Fieldglass Assignment Management Overview

SAP Fieldglass as a cloud-based arrangement that gives a proficient method to deal with the outside labour force by any association. In any case, there are more unpredictable business needs, for example, labourers playing out numerous exercises bringing about the charging of their expenses for various expense objects. Allotting labourers to the right positions, doling out the specialists to more than one task in each time-frame, keeping control of their work, physically entering and rectifying the ideal opportunity for various tasks, computing cost dependent on various pre-concurred rates are for the most part perplexing and tedious exercises for associations.

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SAP has delivered "Task Management" as an answer module to address the unpredictable circumstance referenced previously. It works close to different modules of SAP Fieldglass

In basic terms, the entire range of exercises beginning from enrolling another labourer, on boarding them, coordinating time information from badging frameworks, applying the diverse compensation rules, assigning the work times lastly, up to producing an assistance passage sheet, is dealt with in this new arrangement

Important factors that should consider before choosing the SAP module:



Task Management utilizes certain phrasings important in this arrangement and realize them to comprehend the arrangement.


Resource can be an individual or a gear. People with specific abilities like welding, electrical fixing, etc. are locked in to accomplish crafted by the Buyer, given by the Supplier.


is an association, which is searching for individuals with a particular range of abilities, who are needed to offer specific types of assistance on a transitory or progressing premise.


is an association which gives such staff to the Buyer association.

Work Schedule Shift

is a pre-arranged article in Assignment Management. The purchaser allocates the shift data subtleties like beginning time, finishing time, a name of the shift and so forth in the item.

Work Schedule

is a blend of "work plan shifts" for a pattern of 7 days. This can be deftly characterized by the purchaser as indicated by their necessities. The functioning days and non-working days are set apart in a plan for getting work done. A Buyer can characterize the beginning date of the timetable. The time handling administration utilizes the information gave in the plan for getting work done to decide the standard rates or Overtime rates to be applied in the estimation of instalment for the work done. The time sheets put together by the asset is approved against the allowed work hours characterized in the plan for getting work done.

Time Journal

is a diary record made for a blend of properties for example Rate Category, Purchase Order number, Resource ID and Day. The general time recorded in a period pack is distributed for these mixes of qualities. This is finished by a watch.

Service Receipt

is a report made by uniting time records. This is finished by the Supplier in the framework. The help receipt contains a rundown of absolute quantities of hours worked, aggregate sum to be paid, cost portion of these sums and other such data.

Person Record

is an interior archive gathered by Time Processing Service. This contains the asset-related data, work plan data, and other information for achieving time handling administration. A solitary time layout is related to the individual record.

Time Event

is an occasion which catches the beginning and stop seasons of a work length. For instance, a pre-noon occasion could begin from 08:00 Hrs and end at 12:00 Hrs and a post noon occasion could be from 13:00 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs.

Time Record

The length of an undertaking or an occasion is considered as once record. Commonly, time occasions are joined to shape one time record. For instance, the pre-noon occasion and post-noon occasion can be consolidated to shape one time record for a given day.

Time Bundle

Numerous time records are consolidated to create a period group. Time packs are utilized to apportion at least one rates, task classes, support orders, offsite work, buy requests and occupation abilities to decide cost assignment.


Task is an Object made by the Engagement supervisor of the association. This article holds information like Job, Dates of Start and End, and so forth

SAP Fieldglass Assignment Management (SFAM) Process:

SFAM is a configurable arrangement which can be halfway sent for the executives of all outside assets across numerous areas for an undertaking. One asset can be allotted to different positions and furthermore track their submitted time sheets yet get a bound together perspective on cost of the asset for every one of the positions together. The abilities pertinent for each work and accreditations, in case any are required, would all be able to be essential for the task protest and can be approved to guarantee an asset has every one of the important certificates and abilities for the work. In specific associations, there can be explicit onboarding measures, which is definite out as a component of the Job and guaranteed that it tends to be clung to by the commitment supervisor. A portion of these can be because of administrative requirements and associations can be punished for rebelliousness. This arrangement likewise accommodates coordinating time from the "Badging Systems", if any that the association may as of now have. With an endorsement work process, the arrangement makes an assistance section sheet for posting the installment into SAP ERP with complete expense object portion. This is portrayed in the chart underneath.

Exhibit – 2


There is a job named "Timekeeper" which is significant in this unique situation. In SFAM the job can be played by a client allotted explicitly for this errand who works with either the Buyer or Supplier Organization. He/she has the full perceivability of the work finished by various assets across every one of the areas. In view of the timesheet information and other such extra data accessible, he/she allots the time group to various properties in the framework, which thusly decides the sum to be paid to the assets and the essential expense objects tasks of something very similar.

Overview of Typical Process

The undeniable level outline of a regular interaction is clarified beneath. This situation is a coordinated framework with the badging framework and the time information streams to the "Time Processing Service". There can be different situations where information could be physically entered. It is pictorially displayed in Exhibit 3.


There are 5 unmistakable strides in this interaction. All the weighty computational work is dealt with when Processing Service, in view of expert information and setup settings. The assortment of time section/leave information from Badging Systems is arrangement during the execution of the arrangement. It is then introduced for survey/alter/designation which is likewise taken care of when processing administration.

The means are as underneath:
1. Create Assignment 2. Create Resource 3. Create Time Journal 4. Create/Submit Service Receipt 5. Approve Service Receipt and generate/post service entry sheet

Step-1: Create Assignment

The Assignment Object contains loads of data, among which coming up next are vital: work, proprietor of the work, provider of assets for this work, Start and end Dates of the work, the site/specialty unit/Location where occupation is to be played out, the monetary Budget esteem endorsed for this work, Purchase request number/PO Line things. They are given at the hour of creation by the Engagement Manager. For instance, "Yearly Maintenance", "Electrical Repairs", "Welding", and so on would all be able to be occupations made as various "Tasks" in the framework. Assets are allocated to the "Task Object" in this way. One "Asset" can be allocated to various "Tasks". An example task screen is displayed in show 4 underneath.


Step-2: Create Resource

The Resource is a master data, which contains the details of the resource to be deployed. Amongst a set of information, the following are the key data.

• Supplier who provides the resource
• Engagement Manager, who is responsible for managing this resource
• First name, Last name, e-mail, and contact details
• Associated Rate Look up: these are the contractually agreed rates
• Work Schedule: To validate and provide time-related calculation inputs
• Work Schedule effective Date: Date from which the resource starts work
• Site: Where the resource is expected to work
• Job Codes: The Job codes pre-configured in the system (they are associated to rates)
• Resource registration: Automatic or Manual
• Activity Check List: Tasks/Certifications during on boarding and off boarding

The above key information drives further exercises when the asset begins work. For instance, the vital on boarding and off boarding undertakings show up in a different tab for the asset dependent on the action check list. It very well may be observed and refreshed as and when they are finished. This assists the association with guaranteeing administrative compliances. An example screen is displayed in show 5 beneath. Toward the finish of the undertaking or agreement, the asset off boarding cycle can be finished. The asset is then actually "Shut" in a straightforward interaction in the framework.


Step-3: Create Time Journal

Time Processing System will make a "Time record" and "time bundles" per individual dependent on the information moving from the "badging system". They are the beginning stage for the "watch" to survey the time and allot them, might be toward the finish of every day, to the various qualities like Purchase Order, PO Line thing, work request, work code, provider arrangements. The Time preparing framework is not really set in stone and split the absolute season of the asset into the Standard occasions and over occasions, in light of the plan for getting work done of the asset. When the assignment credits are refreshed, the framework decides the suitable rate be applied, not set in stone, and cost objects to be distributed and make a period diary record. An example screenshot of the portion is displayed in show 6 underneath.


A sample of the time journal created is shown in exhibit-7 below.


Step-4: Create/Submit Service Receipt

The timekeeper then chooses “Create Service Receipt” in his menu, shown in exhibit-8 below.


The system automatically opens up a window, wherein the timekeeper has to choose the buyer organisation and click “create”. A service receipt is automatically generated and submitted to the buyer via a worklist. This is shown in exhibit-9 below.


Step-5: Approve Service Receipt and generate Service Entry Sheet

The Engagement Manager or the Program Consultant gets a warning. He/she can open the warning thing and check sections are alright and click support. In view of the setup, the arrangement creates a help section sheet and sends it to ERP. The endorsement screen is displayed beneath.



Businesses like Oil and Gas, Utilities and Hospitality utilize a few outer labour forces to oversee ventures and support errands. It is very relentless to deal with these labourers and also so is the expense designation and other such money related assignments. SFAM carries this load of undertakings to a solitary interface and serves to effectively deal with them, for example, following task savvy hours, paying utilizing distinctive hourly rates, allotting expenses for various items, etc.

The control it brings to the association with functional adaptability and straightforwardness in taking care of high volume exercises is of tremendous advantage to the association. SAP Field glass specialists can overhaul themselves with information on SFAM, which coordinates well with existing abilities to carry more worth to clients.